Wednesday, October 31, 2012

One Thousand . . . and more! . . . Gifts

By Laurie Ness

November!  Again!  How did it come back so quickly?  Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it seems so appropriate to give some extra thought to gratitude this month.

Really, though, we should always be thinking of things to be thankful for.  It should be a natural part of our everyday lives.  After all, God supplies us with each breath we take, each opportunity to serve Him, each smile someone bestows upon us, not to mention provision for our every need.  There is always, always something to thank Him for, even in our most troubling times.

Earlier this year, I read Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.  It's one of the most beautiful books I have ever read outside the Bible--maybe because it contains so much of God's Word and teaches/reminds us how to apply it.  Ann Voskamp is a farmer's wife, mother of six children, a survivor of deep wounds, and her words are poetic, moving, heart-wrenching, and joy-filled.

In her book, she writes about eucharisteo, the Greek word for giving thanks.  She challenges readers to start a list of 1,000 of God's gifts and to add to it every day.  What are you thankful for?  The sound of the crunch of leaves under your feet?  The five dollar bill you found in the laundry?  That your car started this morning?  Write it down!  He blesses us in endless ways, big and small.  I started this list immediately after I read the book (or maybe even during the reading of it), and it was an amazing experience!  Unfortunately, I allowed busyness to be an excuse to slack off on it--not a good thing.  I'm longing to return to it, and invite you to ask me if I have done so! ;)

The other day I heard Ann Voskamp speak (on a video) for the first time, and her voice is absolutely as beautiful as her written words.  There's nothing I can say on the topic of gratitude better than she can.  She is one of a kind.  So, my friends, I am going to treat you to a symphony of spoken words based on her written words, by sharing this video with you.  It's 22 minutes of wonderful.  Grab a mug of tea to warm your hands around and take the time to warm your heart with Ann's words.  Hear them!  Soak them in!  Live them!

Enjoy!  Be thankful!  Experience eucharisteo.

If the video isn't showing up on your screen, try clicking here.